Principal Desk

Principal Desk

The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. School should be an arena of motivation and quality, the principle, being that in a spirit of healthy competition, each student in the process is spurred to greater heights. The true purpose of education is to promote the joy of learning, a life long learning. We need to develop internal motivation to learn.G.I.P.S caters to the intellectual,moral ,physical and cultural formation OF students irrespective of caste,creed,sex and social status.

Our Motto is “LEARN,LIVE,LOVE”.Learn to Live means we teach our students to learn the skills to live as true and fully human beings;Live to Love pertains to that living as human beings to love the divine and his creation and Love to Learn means loving God and fellow human beings and also to learn about God ,world and human life I wish and pray to God that the school may serve the cause for which it has been established.I wish it a great success !

Mrs. Manjeet (Principal)
M.A.(Eng.), B.Ed.